Upload Pictures, Share Videos, Manage Files – It’s That Easy

Whether with a smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC – Teamplace makes uploading and sharing files a breeze. No matter if you’re uploading the latest vacation pictures, sharing the documents of your project folder with coworkers or bringing your video clips together with those of your friends, Teamplace provides you with the perfect platform. SImply Upload Pictures share them or share videos with friend and family.

Drag-and-Drop File Upload

Uploading to the cloud with Teamplace is quite simple. With the web app, you can even drag complete file folders into the browser window with drag-and-drop. This allows you to upload accumulated files in their existing folder structure all in one go. On mobile, you can also upload pictures and share them easily, same with videos. It’s just as easy to share videos with friends.

Search And Sort Files

The mobile apps also have a lot to offer.
With the search function, you can find any file in your Teamplace cloud storage in seconds. At any time you can also create new folders and sort files according to various attributes, so as not to lose an overview due to the larger number of files.

Work Even Faster With Shortcuts

Don’t miss the end of the video where you will learn how to use shortcuts in our web app and where to find a handy overview of all shortcuts for the various operating systems.
Discover for yourself how easy it is to upload, share and manage files. Try it right now: simply create a Teamplace and get started.