New Web App with Search Feature and Advanced Desktop Notifications

Find Files Even Faster – Our New Search Feature

Can’t find a document amongst your Teamplace projects and files? The new version of our web app puts an end to long searches through all your folders. Simply enter your search term in the search bar and you’ll get an instant list of matching results. You have the choice whether you want to search only your current folder or all your Teamplaces.

Teamplace search bar

Never Miss an Activity: Desktop Notifications 2.0

To keep you up to date on all Teamplace activities, we’ve enhanced the notification feature once again. From now on, you’ll get automatic notifications about other team members’ comments – directly on your desktop and even if you don’t have Teamplace open in your browser*, provided you have enabled desktop notifications. If you use Microsoft Edge or Apple’s Safari, you’ll receive desktop notifications even when your browser is closed.

Enabled Desktop Notifications in Teamplace settings.

*Requires Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Apple Safari.